Places you can buy a set for Table Tennis include Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Costco, Vons, and basically everwhere you can think of that sells stuff. Table Tennis is such a ronound sport
that so many companies sell it. It is one of the most preistege sports in the world and finding it in a store is one of the eaisest things to do.
Ping Pong tables can be found across the world. Table Tennis is acually an olympics sport which is just one of the many reasons why
it is sold in so many places! If you were to go into any store and ask where is your ping pong tables and they were to say no you should be suprised.
If you find ourself in a store that doesn't have Ping pong there are many ways to respond. First, you could go to another store which has Ping Pong. Second, you could go home and make one
yourself. This way could take some time as you need to get a big slab of concrete and make it into a table. Then just put a net on it and your good.
Third, you could just go by a table tennis set on Amazon and just set it up and have some fun. Those three differnt ways of responding
to a store without a Table Tennis set will guarantee you a Table Tennis set sometime in your life somwhere in your house.